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Planned Giving

Planned gifts are a wonderful way to carry on your legacy and commitment to Bergen Volunteers and our mission. Planned gifts, including major and legacy gifts, involve creative and flexible strategies for your estate and charitable planning. Some terms of planned giving even provide you with income - and many can reduce your taxes.


Details to share with your advisor

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Qualified Charitable Distributions

If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can direct up to $100,000 to Bergen Volunteers. Not only do you get credit for taking your required minimum distibutions, beginning at age 73, but you also avoid recognizing the distribution as income which affects other benefits and taxes. Contact your IRA custodian to transfer a specific dollar amount directly to the Volunteer Center of Bergen County (Bergen Volunteers), Federal Tax ID: 22-1821282.

In-Kind Contributions

In-kind gifts are a valuable way to support Bergen Volunteers. This type of contribution includes donations of goods, services, or time.


At present we are in need of:

  • New/Gently Used Van

  • Home Depot Gift Cards

  • Grocery Gift Cards

  • Wireless Doorbells​

Monthly Giving

Monthly giving is a convenient and easy way to donate to Bergen Volunteers. It also helps you to stay connected to our organization.

If you are interested in setting up a monthly giving plan contact: Donna Leibe at or 201.489.9333. 

Donors will receive an annual statement of their yearly giving. ​


Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)

A DAF works like a charitable savings account that you create with your financial advisor. A DAF provides you a simple, tax efficient, and convenient method to support Bergen Volunteers.​

  • You can fund your DAF with cash, stock, real estate, and other assets to maximize your tax benefits. Then, recommend a grant from the DAF to Bergen Volunteers.

  • You can name Bergen Volunteers as your DAF beneficiary which designates remaining funds towards our mission.

For your DAF grant request, please notify our staff and allocate the grant to Volunteer Center of Bergen County (Bergen Volunteers), Federal Tax ID: 22-1821282.

Matching Funds

Multiply the impact of your gift! ​

Bergen Volunteers accepts matching funds from participating donors and their respective companies or employers.


You can also participate in matching fund campaigns, where funds raised by Bergen Volunteers will be matched by a private or individual donor.

Items of Value

Bergen Volunteers accepts vehicle donations, artwork, and other high-end charitable donations. ​

If you itemize deductions on your federal tax return, you may be entitled to claim a charitable deduction for your donated items. Consult with your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of your donation.

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of long-term appreciated securities such as stocks may save you more taxes than gifting cash and offer an easy way to make a meaningful gift to Bergen Volunteers.


​Details to share with your advisor


Designate your donation to provide a scholarship for a participant in one of the following programs:


  • Mentoring

  • Bergen LEADS

  • Teen LEADS


Support Bergen Volunteers while honoring the memory or milestone of a loved one. Donations can be made to Bergen Volunteers to honor a special occasion such an anniversary, a birthday, Father’s Day, or graduation.​

Tribute donations can be made to Bergen Volunteers general operating support or to a community program you identify. You can honor a mentee, mentor, or other volunteers and clients within our programs. Bergen Volunteers will notify the tribute recipient or family of the recipient of your donation.  

Shopping Incentives

Click the icon for more information.

Select Volunteer Center of Bergen County for your cause.


Sponsor a Program Participant

Click the image for more information.







Donations to Bergen Volunteers are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Bergen Volunteers is recognized by the IRS as a not for profit 501(c)3 charitable organization. Please consult with your financial advisor for the tax implications of your donation.

If you prefer to mail your donation please make checks payable to

Bergen Volunteers and mail to:


Bergen Volunteers

64 Passaic Street

Hackensack, NJ 07601

Info: Sharnpreet Nagra 201.489.1952


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